Un ocelote captado por nuestras cámaras trampa

Santuario Macao has provided different types of habitats such as: mature forests, secondary forests, agroforestry plantations, lagoons and functional gardens; all have benefited countless species of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects.
The recovery of the ecosystem and biological diversity has been very evident throughout the process of restoring the landscape of the Macao Sanctuary. This can be clearly evidenced through satellite images that compare the forest cover before and after the reforestation of the area, as well as through the growing fauna records. Researchers and visitors at the reserve have seen and observed this growth in many ways.
A little over a decade ago, it was not possible to see the scarlet macaw, or most of the fauna that today takes refuge in our ecological sanctuary. The increase in animal species that were arriving is undeniable, as the forest and the different micro ecosystems continue to regenerate.
Santuario Macao has provided different types of habitats such as: mature forests, secondary forests, agroforestry plantations, lagoons and functional gardens; all have benefited countless species of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects. All this growing fauna today pollinates the forest and the crops, disperses the seeds of the trees inside and outside the reserve, and controls the population of possible pests. This has generated a balance within the ecosystem, where the main beneficiary has been the human being.
To consult our fauna lists, click on the following links: